So you know how there are these kinky, disgusting sex moves that, for some reason, all guys know about it. A friend of mine once started telling me about all these "things you can do." Most of them were pretty funny and gross. But the one that intrigued me was the Danza Slap. The legend goes - or legend as I know it - is that Tony Danza used to do porn. And during his porn days his signature move was the danza slap. which involved tony danza slapping his dick across the girls face during/after (?) she gave him head. Another variation of this move is slapping the dick across the face while yelling "Who's the Boss?"
Well, hearing about this began my obsession with finding the Tony Danza porn. I spent countless hours searching the internet for Tony Danza porn, trying to decipher the myths from the truth from the just plain lies. All I found was one naked picture. Which my friend says was photoshopped. But I refuse to believe that. The Tony Danza porn exists and I will find it.
Never heard aboot the slap but I HAD heard aboot the porn and for a brief time in my life I went on a Dan Brown style adventure through the halls of porn looking for Danza porn. All I found were things that cut deeply into my psyche, but none of them had any relation to Danza. Let me know if you did better than I did before retreating to my corner to wash my brain.
The Danza Slap originates from a 1980 porn flick starring Marilyn Chambers called "Insatiable". There's a scene where she, as the rich daughter, gets it on with the gardener of the mansion on a pool table. The gardener looks a lot like Tony Danza but is not him. In the scene, the gardener slaps his dong numerous times on her face as he taunts and teases her during a blowjob.
I saw the porn of Tony Danza. I saw the video in a strip bar when I was 18 (1984). He played a football jock going to the big game (in a yellow school bus). The bus was packed with cheerleaders and football players. His "scene" took place on the bus where he got head and fucked a cheerleader. For years I've been telling friends that Tony Danza did porn and nobody believes me. I know the truth.
wow,i never heared about the bus/cheerleader 1,but I can tell you this....I saw a porn video with him in it doing a girl on a pool table.At the end he gives her a pearl necklace.It was definitly him,nothing was cast,he made her p....fart a few times and you could hear his voice loud and clearly commenting on it and other times.Just because Hollywood made him that's why you can't find the video.My friend has an autographed VHS from that video,Who cares? Clinton,Bush and a few others did something similar,no recording is to be found either.......hmmm,I guess if more then 522 people know your name your past mistiriously dissapeares
Danza was in porn and my gf (at the time) watched it together and laughed our asses off. It was the scene with him doing a girl on a pool table. This was over 12 years ago when we watched it, it was already an old film at the time. I believe it was originally filmed late '70s to early '80s. The VHS that I watched may still exist... guess I could be a hero if I could get my hands on it and upload it to youtube. Lol - But I can say for a fact that Tony Danza was in porn in the late '70s to early '80s.
Hey fuckheads. See the second comment. It's not Tony Danza but looks like him. It's from the Marilyn Chambers porn film called "Insatiable".
I am not able to see this web site correctly on my telephone
The person that was talking about the porn with Tony Danza and the school bus is correct. I saw that also. It was definitely him. The movie with Marilyn Chambers is not him. I am going to search through my old old stuff. I saved the Tony Danza porn because I knew it was him and I could not believe that no one was talking about it.
Does anyone know the name of this movie
Movie was called little girls blue
Here is the link to the Pool table scene. It is porn, be wary
I was a big Taxi fan and sometime back in the early 80s I did see Tony Danza in a porn film and it changed my entire attitude of my much beloved version of him on Taxi. I think he must have convinced the film makers to remove the film from circulation because I can't seem to find it on the internet either. I know it was him. Not a shot of his naked body. And he was seriously getting into business. I know his voice anywhere as well. It was clearly Tony Danza.
The school bus porn was "High School Memories" with Annette haven. It's not Danza. It's the same actor from Insatiable.
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