
misty water colored memories

I brought up G, my long distance very complicated fake boyfriend, in an earlier post. I thought I would share with everyone the story of how we met. The first day of school of my freshman year of college, some of the girls in the dorm were invited to a party some guys were having that night. Obviously after 3 days of orientation bonding experiences I was already best friends with these girls, so I went to the party with them. And there was G. I was attracted to him immediately, even though he is kinda goofy looking. We started talking and he got my phone number. The next day I called my best friend from high school and told her I had met the man I was going to marry.

So a few days later, the first friday of the first week of classes, there's always a huge beginning of the year party. The freshman are always warned against going because you could get in trouble for being underage or worse - most freshman end up drinking too much and bad things happen. Obviously, my friends were all about the party. So G called me and we met up. And i was one of those freshman who didn't know my alcohol limits, so most of the night is pretty fuzzy. Until G kissed me. And then I puked on him. He was really sweet and took care of me, but I swore up and down that I was never going to see him ever again. So much for that theory, huh?


Anonymous said...

eek... reminds me of a story that i had on my second date with my 2nd fiance (2 fiance's ago)...

gotta love the men that don't take advantage of you when they can and clean up after your hurl... priceless! lol

Anonymous said...

OK, I totally don't get it. Why did you not want to see him again? Embarrassed?

Low Standards and Loose morals said...

yeah i was embarrassed. it was the first time i had ever vomited from drinking. we ended up hanging out the next day and he's one of my best friends/"boyfriend" now. and after 6 years, he (and plenty of other people) have seen me puke a lot.